China Glaze – ‘Crackle Glitters’ new for 2012 (swatches & review)


Ok…before you start groaning and complaining, hear me out; I may not be the biggest champion of the whole crackle effects trend, but I can’t deny just how cool it is to watch it happen before one’s eyes. Another bonus is that whatever shade you layer underneath doesn’t have to be applied with surgical precision, which makes this a super-fast mani to achieve. Lastly, and needing only 1 coat of your crackle glitter of choice, uniformity is not required, so the more variety on each nail, the better – plus it’s relatively goof-proof. But what makes China Glaze’s new ‘Crackle Glitters’ so special for me, is actually the formula itself … read on to see what I mean.  All swatches are with Poshé Fast Drying Base Coat and Super Fast Drying Top Coat, and layered over a-england’s ‘Camelot’ (previously reviewed here).


‘Luminous Lavender’ – ultra fine violet/lavender glitter suspended in a clear base. Out of the 4, this was the only shade that I layered over only 1 coat of ‘Camelot’ and I liked the slightly provocative look it gave, sort of like lacy lingerie!

in sunlight



with flash


‘Jade-d’ – ultra fine citron/lime glitter suspended in a clear base. When layered over 2 coats of ‘Camelot’, this shade seemed to take on an eerie glow, seeming to shine up through the ebony base coat — so cool!

in sunlight



with flash


‘Glam-More’ – ultra fine magenta/royal purple glitter suspended in a clear base. As soon as I layered this shade over 2 coats of ‘Camelot’, all I could think of was “disco queen” … loved the 80’s redux look of this combo!

in sunlight



with flash

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‘Gleam Me Up’ – ultra fine cerulean blue/aqua glitter suspended in a clear base. Layered over 2 coats of ‘Camelot’, it delivered the star-studded cosmos right onto my fingertips. One word: LOVE.

in sunlight



with flash

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Final thoughts: I must confess that I’m totally nuts about these new China Glaze ‘Crackle Glitters’. Yes, you heard correctly – love them. For anyone who’s either A) fed up with effects polishes or B) held off trying these for fear of gaudy-looking digits, then let me state that these don’t function the way traditional crackle polishes do.  For one thing, the effect appears more diffused – almost giving off a lacy pattern, especially visible when layered over a dark base, and while they do form the usual cracks, they seem rather more dispersed with absolutely no shrinking away from the nail tips as other effects lacquers are prone to doing. The glitter also adds a different element, giving off enough brilliant sparkle but not overdone – hands down the most sophisticated way to wear crackle. Fun, edgy, modern and urban: that’s what China Glaze’s new ‘Crackle Glitters’ are … go ahead and give them a shot; I think you’ll be as pleasantly surprised as I was!
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*Disclaimer: Product samples provided by the company/PR for my unbiased consideration

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