L’Occitane en Provence ‘Ultra-Gentle Cleansing Milk’ (trial, photos & review)


As a beauty blogger and generally all-round cosmetics fiend, my face, nails & even body have become testing grounds for the various products I apply, but the face is the area with the highest degree of sensitivity, so it stands to reason that we need to give this particular “canvas” extra-special attention, most notably in how we prepare it. I may have not always been diligent about proper facial cleansing in the past, but that’s definitely not the case anymore; however, I still have my lazy moments. THAT’S where L’Occitane en Provence’s new ‘Ultra-Gentle Cleansing Milk’ really comes in handy!
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L’Occitane en Provence Ultra-Gentle Cleansing Milk, made with the brand’s star ingredient, shea butter, also includes many other skin-nourishing properties, such as soothing liquorice extract, along with rosemary leaf extract and sunflower seed oil, to name but a few.  What it does NOT include are any harmful parabens (see fig. 1), making this cleanser safe for anyone with extra sensitivities.

For maximum effectiveness, I found that one pump or round, wasn’t enough – but by the second pump/round, easily more than 95% of makeup had been completely eliminated. I began by dispensing an amount as shown by fig. 2, then proceeded to gently massage this into my skin, using circular motions to help promote better circulation. You can see in fig. 3 that even though the product is thick & creamy when initially dispensed, how quickly my skin’s heat began melting the cleansing milk when it was applied. Once I had covered my entire face, except for the eyes, I then used a tissue to wipe it quickly off.

After repeating this process for a second time, what was left, as seen in fig. 4, was minimal at best, with my skin left feeling quite cleansed, but never tight or parched. It must be clearly stated here, that I have NOT tried this product on removing any eye makeup.

The bottle is a comfortable-to-hold rectangular shape, and being semi-opaque, I like how you can see how much of the product remains inside – taking the guesswork out of the equation. The pump nozzle easily dispenses as much or as little as you need, without any waste. The simple packaging also includes another feature that I found unique: apart from french & english, the front label is also clearly marked in braille! How cool is that?

fig. 1 – application instructions & full ingredients list clearly shown on the back label

fig. 2 – 2 pumps this size are all I need to cover my entire face, twice

fig. 3 – once applied, it quickly begins melting somewhat from the skin’s heat

fig. 4 – what was left on the tissue after my second & final pass

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Final thoughts: For those times when I’m too tired to go through my usual facial cleansing process, having the convenience of a product like this ‘Ultra-Gentle Cleansing Milk’ cannot be emphasized enough – I can probably even use this if I’m already in bed: apply, then tissue off. Simple enough, right? And it is! Does this cleanser remove every last vestige of makeup? Not 100%, although if I applied a 3rd round it probably would have, but the fact that it removes almost all traces AND leaves my skin feeling so hydrated after, is a huge plus for me. Retailing for CAD $25.00 for 200 ml/US $22.00 for 6.7 fl. oz at all L’Occitane boutiques as well as on the company’s website, now you have NO excuse for not cleansing!
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*Disclaimer: Product sample provided by the company/PR for my unbiased consideration

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