Something New: ‘Star Trinkets’ Handmade Nail Polish Accessories & Jewelry


Sometime after I began my blog back in late 2010, I came across the term “nail polish jewelry”, which had me completely baffled; was this jewelry for your bottles of nail polish, your nails, or what? It wasn’t until I did a little search that I learned that this term meant jewelry which incorporated nail polish into a part of the design. How innovative and unique!

When Susan of ‘The Subtle Shimmer’, a fellow blogger, contacted me a few weeks ago to ask if I would be willing to review an item from her newly created nail polish jewelry line, ‘Star Trinkets’, I was absolutely thrilled; here would be my chance to see exactly what this craft was all about AND I would be given the opportunity to help someone who has been one of my steadfastly loyal followers for quite some time now … not to mention the fact that she’s an absolutely lovely girl as well! Thank you, Susan!


After a few emails were exchanged to find out my preferences in item (a bracelet), nail polish brand/colour (this was a no-brainer: having collaborated with the amazing Adina of a-england, I naturally chose ‘Saint-George’ – previously reviewed here), and wrist size (for said bracelet!), Susan got to work in creating a custom piece for me and I could not wait to see the results … the lovely personalized thank you card she sent with the bracelet, was such a warm touch!

the incredible ‘Saint-George’ from a-england’s ‘The Legend’ Collection – an inspiration lacquer, both in name & in colour

I just had to include this closeup detail of the stunning cabochons

Background: In July 2011, Susan began her nail polish blog ‘The Subtle Shimmer’. Then near the end of the year, she discovered nail polish jewelry which just called to the creative part of her, so taking a hiatus from her teaching job, she decided to give this craft a try, and thus ‘Star Trinkets’ was born; the name refers to her fascination with stars as well as the small decorative objects she creates, while the initials of the name also cleverly mimic her name (Susan Toh).

The following excerpts are in Susan’s own words:

“I do notice more people making nail polish rings and earstuds for sale recently. As such, I decided to do something a little different by making bracelets and dangling earrings as well. These have more of a design element than using only ready-made settings. I do have the latter settings as well because they are beautiful too.

Currently, I have a rather wide range of settings. Other than the earrings, bracelets, rings, and earstuds mentioned, I also have pendants and chains, bobby pins, keychains, cufflinks, and a bag/purse hanger.

I use a water-resistant coating to protect the nail polish. There are some sellers who only use a top coat, but it’s my personal belief that is insufficient protection. I then use a waterproof glue to attach the glass cabochon (bead / marble) to the setting. I let the pieces set and cure for at least two days before I send them to customers.

I do customised pieces. Customers can browse the available settings and nail lacquers on my blog.

They can order via email and I will send them a Paypal invoice once they’ve confirmed their orders. I do need customers to make payment before I start work on their orders. All listed prices are final prices, and customers do not need to worry if there’ll be additional Paypal fees.
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I’ve also just started an Etsy store, where I’ll be selling ready-made pieces. It is also possible to request for customised pieces via my Etsy store, as well as purchase and pay through Etsy.

I ship internationally via airmail. I ship from Singapore and I do charge shipping separately, as stated earlier

International shipping is charged at US$2 for the first item, and US$0.50 for each subsequent item. On my Etsy store, I do charge a little more for shipping heavier items, and a little less for smaller items. Most items are still charged at US$2 / US0.50 for shipping out of Singapore. Shipping within Singapore is free”.

a closer look at the clasp with its delicate design

detail of the t-bar portion of the clasp

the mani-friendly clasp closure

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Final thoughts: All I can say is that I absolutely love this bracelet, and for so many reasons; the antiqued look of the chain, the subtle scrollwork designs, the 2 glowing cabochons, a totally mani-friendly clasp AND its retail value is US $17.00 ! Unbelievable, right? This stunning piece even got the seal of approval from my almost 18-year old – and that’s no easy task to accomplish, let me tell you! Please feel free to go and visit Susan and check out her entire repertoire of beautiful “trinkets” – and tell her I said “hi”!

Susan Toh



*Disclaimer: Product sample provided by company/PR for my unbiased consideration

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